Friday, December 2, 2011

Who "Wee" Are

Many moons ago, our Irish grandfather affectionately called us his "Wee Girls".  The name stayed with us and when we got together to start this blog, it seemed to fit.  We are always in the kitchen -- not by obligation, but by choice.  Papa Jack loved to cook, so does our father, so does our mother.  But this isn't a blog simply about recipes, two of us have significant health challenges.  So, while there are recipes we love, we can no longer eat them.  This is our journey through food -- adapting the recipes we love so that we can still enjoy food but still be comfortable in our sometimes, annoying bodies.

"Wee" are Maille, Morgan, Maddy, and Manda.  This blog began because Manda has been diagnosed with Crohn's.  Maddy is lactose intolerant, and Maille has food challenges as well.  Morgan -- she just likes to cook and eat -- so far, so good! 

We all love to cook, and if we do say so ourselves, we're pretty darn good cooks and bakers.

So join us on our food journey as we play around with recipes to make them more palatable, and sometimes even healthier.  We promise, they'll be delicious to us, or we won't post the recipe!  We may, however, post pics of failures.  Trust us, sugar isn't all that easy to replace in a shortbread recipe.

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